Ch.5 Potential and Field

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Relationship between Potential and Field

Potential and field are two different ways of describing how source charges alter the space around them.

Because qVΔU=W(if)=ifFdsqV\equiv\Delta U=-W(\text{i}\rightarrow \text{f})=-\int_\text{i}^\text{f}\vec{F}\cdot d\vec{s} we can divide by qq and using the fact that F=qE\vec{F}=q\vec{E}, we see that V=ifEdsV=-\int_\text{i}^\text{f}\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{s}
Note the negative sign indicates that field decreases along the field direction
The reverse implies
This shows the field along the displacement Δs\Delta s, so is useful when a coordinate axis can be determined so that the field perpendicular is 00
Note that this is related to the Fs=dUdsF_s=-\frac{dU}{ds} equation by a factor of qq

E\vec{E}_{||} tangential to equipotential is 00.
E\vec{E}_{\perp} perpendicular to equipotential points in the decreasing direction
So in general,
E=Exi^+Eyj^+Ezk^=(Vxi^+Vyj^+Vzk^)=V\vec{E}=E_x\hat{i}+E_y\hat{j}+E_z\hat{k}=-\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}\hat{i}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}\hat{j}+\frac{\partial V}{\partial z}\hat{k}\right)=-\nabla V

Kirchoff's Loop Law

sum of all potential differences in a closed loop or path is zero
ΔVloop=i(ΔV)i=0\Delta V_\text{loop}=\sum_i(\Delta V)_i=0

Electrostatic Equilibrium

Since E=0\vec{E}=0 inside a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium, ΔV=0\Delta V=0, i.e. the potential is the same across the whole conductor


equipotential surface close to electrode roughly matches shape of electrode, and "morph" going from one electrode to another

Create Electric Potential

potential is created simply by separating positive and negative charge
ΔV=VposVneg=negposEsds\Delta V=V_\text{pos}-V_\text{neg}=-\int_\text{neg}^\text{pos}E_sds
Since electric force tries to bring positive and negative charge together, a nonelectrical process is required to separate charges

Batteries in series produce ΔVseries=ΔV1+ΔV2+\Delta V_\text{series}=\Delta V_1+\Delta V_2+\cdots


This ΔV\Delta V is plausibly proportional to the charges ±Q\pm Q that create the voltage difference, so set Q=CΔVCQ=C\Delta V_C, and solve
C=QΔVCC=\frac{Q}{\Delta V_C}
This is the capacitance with units of Farads 1 F=1 C/V1\text{ F}=1\text{ C/V}, where ΔVC\Delta V_C is capacitor voltage

Parallel Plate Capacitor

Recall that the potential difference across a parallel-plate capacitor with distance dd and electric field EE is ΔVC=Ed\Delta V_C=Ed, and E=Q/ϵ0AE=Q/\epsilon_0 A from Gauss's Law. So,
Q=ϵ0AdΔVCC=ϵ0AdQ=\frac{\epsilon_0 A}{d}\Delta V_C\implies C=\frac{\epsilon_0 A}{d}
The capacitance depends entirely on the geometry of the electrodes.

They can be charged by connecting to a battery. The ΔVC\Delta V_C steadily increases as the charge escalator transfers charge, until it reaches ΔVbat\Delta V_\text{bat} (the repulsive force equals the battery escalator's force; electrostatic equilibrium)

They can be combined in parallel capacitors (top to top; bottom to bottom) or series capacitors (end to end in a row), represented in a circuit diagram by two paralle lines \rightarrow have an equivalent capacitance
In parallel capacitors, the top two and bottom two electrodoes have the same potential as the top/bottom of the battery. So, we have Q1=C1ΔVCQ_1=C_1\Delta V_C and Q2=C2ΔVCQ_2=C_2\Delta V_C, but the battery moved a total of Q1+Q2Q_1+Q_2 charge, so the capacitance is equivalent to havign Q1+Q2=CeqΔVCCeq=C1+C2Q_1+Q_2=C_\text{eq}\Delta V_C\implies C_\text{eq}=C_1+C_2
In general,
Ceq=C1+C2+ parallel capacitorsC_\text{eq}=C_1+C_2+\cdots\space\text{parallel capacitors}
In series, the wire between the capacitors is isolated, so have a net 00 charge. Thus, the battery moves the same QQ charge to the top. The potential difference is the sum of the differneces ΔVC=ΔV1+ΔV2\Delta V_C=\Delta V_1+\Delta V_2, and using the fact that ΔV1=Q/C1\Delta V_1=Q/C_1 and ΔV2=Q/C2\Delta V_2=Q/C_2, we have 1/Ceq=ΔVC/Q=1/C1+1/C21/C_\text{eq}=\Delta V_C/Q=1/C_1+1/C_2
In generall,
1Ceq=1C1+1C2+ series capacitors\frac{1}{C_\text{eq}}=\frac{1}{C_1}+\frac{1}{C_2}+\cdots\space\text{series capacitors}

Energy in a Capacitor

The potential energy change from "lifting" the positive charges is
dU=dqΔV=qdqCdU=dq\Delta V=\frac{qdq}{C}
So the total potential energy is
UC=1C0Qqdq=Q22C=12C(ΔVC)2U_C=\frac{1}{C}\int_0^Q qdq=\frac{Q^2}{2C}=\frac{1}{2}C(\Delta V_C)^2
The voltage of a capacitor ΔVC=Ed\Delta V_C=Ed and the capacitance C=ϵ0A/dC=\epsilon_0 A/d can be substituted to get various other forms
Uc=12C(ΔVC)2=ϵ0A2d(Ed)2=ϵ02(Ad)E2U_c=\frac{1}{2}C(\Delta V_C)^2=\frac{\epsilon_0 A}{2d}(Ed)^2=\frac{\epsilon_0}{2}(Ad)E^2
The energy densityuEu_E of the electric field is the energy divided by the volume
with units J/m3\text{J}/\text{m}^3


Suppose a capacitor separated by a vacuum a distance of dd is charged to voltage (ΔVC)0(\Delta V_C)_0 then disconnected, giving each plate a ±Q0\pm Q_0 charge where Q0=C0(ΔVC)0Q_0=C_0(\Delta V_C)_0.
If the vacuum is replaced by another insulating material, a dielectric, the voltage will decrease, but the charge remains the same, so the capacitance increases.

So, if the plates are filled with an insulator, the capacitance increases.
The insulator in the electric field gets polarized, represented by two sheets of charge with surface charge densities ±ηinduced\pm\eta_\text{induced}: induced electric field
Einduced=ηinducedϵ0, inside the insulator from positive to negative\vec{E}_\text{induced}=\frac{\eta_\text{induced}}{\epsilon_0},\space\text{inside the insulator from positive to negative}
This field points opposite the capacitor's field, weakening the overall field inside the capacitor.
The dielectric constantκ\kappa is
where E0E_0 is the field when the capacitor has a vacuum inside and EE is the final field. Since EE is weaker, κ1\kappa\ge1
κ\kappa is the factor by which the field is weakened; consider that ϵ0\epsilon_0 gets multiplied by the constant

κ\kappa is a property of matrials, like specific heat or density, and more easily polarized materials have a higher κ\kappa

The voltage is divided by κ\kappa and the capacitance is multiplied by κ\kappa

where η0\eta_0 is the surface charge density on the capacitor plates.

The dielectric strength is the maximum electric field the material can handle before breakdown- production of a spark.